Thursday, June 6, 2013

Regarding Pyramid Schemes

Lately there's been a lot of talk among my friends and I concerning pyramid schemes.  Apparently there's some sort of energy drink called Vemma, and college-aged kids around the country are being suckered into "marketing"  it by buying a package for $500 and then attempted to fool people they know into doing the same thing.  It's a complete joke.  I've been harassed in an attempt to get me to sell the stuff  personally several times.  The best part is when those pushing me straight up said that it isn't a pyramid scheme.  And based on recent discussions that I've had many, many people are trying to push this on several people I know.  It's unbelievable.

A friend of mine showed me a really great article detailing Vemma and explaining how it's a scam and a waste of time and money, but I can't seem to find it.  So just take my word for it.

And every time I hear about this the first thing that comes to mind is this scene from The Office.

I seriously pity anyone foolish enough to get involved with that junk.

UPDATE:  I found the article I was talking about. It explains everything very well.  Apparently the guy who started the whole thing is using an assumed name because he got in trouble for a similar scam several years ago.  That doesn't bode particularly well with me.  And while searching for that article, I also came across this and this, both further proving that the whole thing is a joke, if the first article wasn't enough.

Again, LOL @ anyone that falls for that, and from what I can tell several people I know already have.

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